when restoring the database backup you want to choose to leave the database non-operational (so that transaction logs can be restored) after the database restore is complete -to restore all transaction logs associated with the restored database choose “from previous backups of database” -to restore…
SQL Server Management Studio – right click on the Server – Properties – Database settings – Database default location
It is “normal” for LDF filesize to be about 120% of the MDF filesize – less than that there is no point shrinking the Log File as it will most likely grow back up to 120%
to find the log name – select name from sys.database_files where type = 1 to shrink to a specified target size – DBCC SHRINKFILE (DataFile1, 7); –where 7 = 7MB
Setup has detected a non canonical discretionary access control list (DACL) on directory ‘c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100DTS’. Please veirfy your security settings and make corrections if needed. Its ultimately a security issue that seems to result from having 1 version of SQL Server installed (in…
Login to SSIS on server with plans to export Navigate to Stored Packages – MSDB – Maintenance Plans Right click on the maintenance plan you want to export – choose Export Package Choose package location (I usually use File System for easy transfer to another…
only need to backup transaction logs on any databases that are regularly changing – not master, model, etc… those system databases can be backed up once per night
thanks goes out to the book ‘SQL Cookbook’ – Lucky Chapter 13 Hierarchical Queries … with x (tree,childid,depth) as ( select cast(name as varchar(500)), childid, 0 from vw_users_parent_children union all select cast(x.tree+’–>’+e.name as varchar(500)), e.childid, x.depth+1 from vw_users_parent_children e, x where x.childid = e.children_id )…
Unable to start execution of step 1 (reason: line(1): Syntax error). The step failed. Fixed by: Editing the job by add a leading “” to the package path so that is reads: Maintenance PlansPlanName Steps: Right click the MaintenancePlan under SQL Server AgentsJobs and click…