I keep losing track of this wondering where it went. You have to access it at the database level. Adding this post to remind me for later. This came in very handy when my home internet went down and I couldn’t auth on my phone hotspot without timeouts in Azure Data Studio.
You can login in with SQL Server auth or Entra.

It’s not super fancy and I couldn’t seem to wrap things in a transaction in there like begin, run some updates, make sure the only updated x rows, then exec commit. It said there wasn’t a begin statement. Anyway, use with caution if you want to do something complex. But this is good for simple things.

May play with it some more to see what all I can do in there in case my internet goes down again.
Definitely useful in a pinch, though I really wish we could hit “master” with it because it would make adding logins from external provider a lot easier when you need to do that. I’ve definitely used it when I needed a quick query and didn’t want to go through some of the wonkiness that happens with the non-standard clouds or needing to use a login other than my “normal” user. 🙂