Once you have docker configured to run locally, see blog post https://sqlkitty.home.blog/2019/12/15/setting-up-docker-with-sql-server-backup-on-mac/ for more details Then you can setup Oracle in Docker Login into docker store in web browser – or follow this to use a web browser via ssh – https://superuser.com/questions/139426/accessing-a-url-on-ssh-without-using-a-web-browser Search for oracle…
Month: December 2019
To see more details on installing and configuration of docker and dbeaver and portainer, see this post:https://sqlkitty.home.blog/2019/12/15/setting-up-docker-with-sql-server-backup-on-mac/ Create a docker volume to have persistent data docker volume create pgdata Create posgresql instance (note we are changing the port to 54320 in case 5432 is already…
Install Docker Community Edition for Mac (free) https://hub.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-mac?tab=description Launch Docker Docker will need privileged access so grant it when prompted SQL Server may need more RAM and you can set that in Docker preferences. I found it runs fine on a mac with 4GB of…