I did a couple of posts previously on dumping/restoring Azure PostgreSQL databases and also using the Azure migration tool. I had to ultimately do a combo of those because of the limitations of the Azure migration tool. Getting your roles in place The Azure migration…
Category: Azure
I wanted to figure out how big (or approximately how big) my dump file would be. In QA, I have (relatively) large dbs (compared to prod). Enter the pgstattuple extension to help me determine how much free space is in my tables. Step 1: Installing…
Warning: It appears the migration doesn’t apply perms in the database related to global roles as part of the Azure migration. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/postgresql/migrate/migration-service/concepts-user-roles-migration-service. I will be using pg_dumpall for scripting out the perms. You can refer to my last post under dumping from command line for…
I wanted to test a migration of Azure PostgreSQL from simple to flexible. I wanted a simple db to restore onto my single server. I may not have needed to do this, but I was then curious how one would go about dumping and restoring…
My company is moving from an Azure PostgreSQL single server to a flexible server. We want to set up managed identity/Entra access instead of having roles with passwords for every person/app. In particular, we want to use Entra groups. What is Azure PostgreSQL Flex? It…
We are trying to get apps and users off of using SQL accounts to access the Azure SQL DBs where I work. To make our lives easier, we are implementing managed identities. Benefits of Using Managed Identities and Entra Groups Creating a Managed Identity Navigate…
I did a couple of other posts on Elastic Jobs. But now I want to set them up with Terraform. This aligns with how we create infrastructure where I work. TL;DR check out my Github Repo. Creating Prerequisites If you aren’t familiar with Terraform and…
I love QuickieStore, but I wanted some columns to be at the front end of the results returned. Namely, I wanted top_waits, query_sql_text, and query_plan right after database name. This way I don’t have to scroll over to see those values. You can get a…
After a data migration, we needed to decommission the old Azure SQL DBs, but we wanted to keep a copy in case we needed anything later. Enter exporting an Azure SQL DB to storage! Updated with new info I discovered as part of the export…
Where I work, we will be migrating data from one set of databases into another. I will be making a copy of the destination databases to allow us to roll back in case of issues. Make a copy of the databases in the destination server…