I have a Macbook Pro as my personal computer, and I needed to wipe out my Proxmox setup on my Nuc to install Windows instead. It’s a long story why, but it’s what I needed to do. This isn’t meant to be a detailed guide, but a bit of reference for my future self or others who may be stuck in this very specific situation.
The error I was getting
Fix – No device drivers were found during Windows Installation
It seemed straightforward once I sorted it all out, but the process took a bit to sort out.
Steps I took:
- You need a USB – so you can put Windows install on it
- Set bios to allow legacy – diskgenius.com/how-to/the-selected-disk-has-an-mbr-partition-table.php#Solution_2
- wim – https://alexlubbock.com/bootable-windows-usb-on-mac
- and format disk as gpt – https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/storage/disk-management/change-an-mbr-disk-into-a-gpt-disk